It’s no secret that LightLab is a great tool for quality control and compliance in cannabis and hemp. Most people don’t know that there are several famous LightLabs out there. LightLabs often feature prominently in blockbuster movies. While most Hollywood budgets would allow for the purchase of a high-end HPLC, the conditions in many movies require a more rugged cannabis testing solution. This week we are going to look at a few of the most famous LightLabs we know of:
1. Aquaman testing his stash while battling sea monsters
At a particularly tense moment in the movie, Aquaman realizes his ship may be lost to sea monsters. Before jumping ship, he does one more quick test on his latest crop. Good thing LightLab can analyze a sample in just 10 minutes!
2. LightLab survives a giant shark attack in The Meg
While Aquaman’s LightLab may have been lost to monsters, another LightLab survived an equally harrowing ordeal. In “The Meg”, while tracking a giant shark, a boat gets flipped and the LightLab tumbles into the water with the shark. The rugged case and hardened mechanical design allowed LightLab to survive this shark attack unharmed.
3. LightLab in Space
In the Netflix series “Lost in Space”, again LightLab features heavily. A ship destined to colonize a new planet crashes. Of course any colonization effort will include local plants, so cannabis is on board. And understading the growth progress of cannabis in space is just as imortant as it is on earth. LightLab’s portability and Mars-tested detection system made it a natural choice for bringing along. When the ship crashes, LightLab is in danger. Spoiler Alert! A brave astronaut saves LigthLab from a fierey destruction.
Lights, camera, ACTION!
It’s pretty clear to us that LightLab has made it in Hollywood. If you come across any LightLabs in exciting situations, be sure to let us know!