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Access & Share Test Results

Access & Share Test Results

Access and Share Your LightLab Test Results

With LightLab you can access and share your test results quickly and easily in a variety of formats. LightLab 3 has third party proven accuracy, known repeatability, and reproducibility, and is ready for GMP compliant facilities, so you can always count on accurate results. All LightLabs arrive pre-calibrated using certified reference materials. Analyte potency results are displayed as percent, mg per sample, and mg per package.
After LightLab analyzes a sample, test results populate both on-screen and online.

On-Screen Test Results

1. Scroll on-screen to view detailed results directly on your LightLab, including chromatograms.
2. Tap “Notes” to add additional details about your samples.
3. Connect to wi-fi and tap “Share” to share results via email or text.
• Text or email a link to online results.
• Generate and share a Certificate of Analysis (CoA).

Online Test Results

1. Scan the on-screen QR Code to access results online.
• See results on your mobile device.
• View sample details and test results.
• Share results via text or email.
2. Login to your LightLab Dashboard account.
• Login on mobile or desktop.
• View sample details and test results.
• Share results via text or email.
• Access chromatograms.
• Share results to your social media pages.
• Generate and share a Certificate of Analysis (CoA).
• Download a CSV report.

Generate and Share Certificates of Analysis

LightLab 3 generates a Certificate of Analysis (CoA) for each test with just the click of a button. Connect your LightLab to wi-fi and simply tap “Share” to generate and share a CoA directly from the device. Alternatively, CoAs can be accessed via your LightLab Dashboard account.

Your LightLab CoA Includes:

• Cannabinoid content of sample in weight percent

• Limits of detection

• User-inputted sample identifiers

• Chromatograms

• Automatically generated info (ie. time stamps, etc.)

• QR code that corresponds with original test results and confirms the authenticity of the report itself

LightLab Dashboard: For Data-Driven Decision-Making

LightLab Dashboard is the best way to view and manage your data. We’ve already mentioned that by logging into your Dashboard account, you can view and share your results, generate a CoA and download valuable data into CSV reports. But did you know you can also monitor tests remotely and access valuable productivity information?

Remote Monitoring

Remotely monitor test progress in real-time making it possible to step away from LightLab to tend to other tasks while testing samples. Receive notifications when the next step of the testing process is ready or when a test is complete.

Access Productivity Info

With Dashboard you can access valuable productivity info including test volume per instrument, potency and yield attributes, unique cultivar profiles, and more.

LightLab Dashboard

Haven’t signed up for Dashboard yet?

What are you waiting for?
Sign up now!

Chromatograms Offer Deeper Insights

chromatogram is the raw data used by LightLab as well as laboratory HPLCs to generate cannabinoid content results. Unlike typical HPLC analysis that relies on only one wavelength for quantification, LightLab 3 uses multiple wavelengths which increases the ability to separate compounds since both spectroscopy and chromatography are used in tandem. The LightLab 3 chromatogram includes two wavelength channels, which provides a detailed fingerprint of your sample and enhances any qualitative analysis of your data.

Benefits of Chromatograms

• Provide raw data for review by scientists familiar with HPLC Analysis

• Identify minor cannabinoids present below detection limits

• Identify contaminants or unwanted cannabinoids

• Identify issues with samples or troubleshoot your LightLab

• Visually represent the quantitative data in a way that scientists can interpret

Example LightLab Chromatogram