Which Version of LightLab Are You Running?
Which Consumables Do You Need?
It is important to select version-appropriate consumables for your LightLab Analyzer. To ensure you select the correct consumables refer to the guide below or contact us if you need some help.
Tip: The serial number is located at the back of your LightLab analyzer.
- If the serial number begins with “LL03” you should choose Cannabis Analyzer Consumables
- If the serial number begins with “LL03” AND the logo on the exterior of the instrument or on the welcome screen includes “HS” choose High Sensitivity Cannabis Analyzer Consumables
- If the serial number begins with “LL02” choose Legacy Analyzer Consumables
- If the welcome screen of your LightLab includes a purple PSY logo, you must choose Psychedelics Analyzer Consumables.
- If the welcome screen of your LightLab includes BOTH a cannabis logo and a purple PSY logo, you may choose to replenish your Cannabis Analyzer Consumables OR Psychedelics Analyzer Consumables.
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