Union Station Hotel – Saint Louis, MO
Join us in St. Louis from November 5-7 as Orange Photonics exhibits in Booth #249 at the upcoming MJ Unpacked, a cannabis event tailored exclusively for retail and brand executives within the cannabis industry, serving their unique needs on a national scale.
MJ Unpacked provides high-quality collaborations, showcases product innovation and cutting-edge scientific advancements, provides access to deal flow and capital, and cultivates a thriving community atmosphere.
Visit Booth #249 to check out the LightLab 3 Cannabis Analyzer. Let us demonstrate just how easy it is for anyone to test the potency of 19+ cannabinoids and have accurate results in just 10.5 minutes.
Be sure to reach out to us ahead of time if you are in the St. Louis area and would like to schedule an in-house demo for your team while we are in town.