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Success = Taking on a Double Whammy Cannabis Challenge

By Mimi Evans

Some people love a challenge. If you want to combine the arduous labor of growing a complex plant like cannabis with the intensity of aquaponics (cultivation of plants in water with fish), you have taken on a double whammy challenge with a big potential payout.

Green Relief’s Shane Eby doing a spot check with the LightLab.

Those are exactly the lengths a company based in southern Ontario is going to in order to create what they consider the most naturally pure medical marijuana available on the planet. Why do they do it? Their mission is to consistently provide medical marijuana to improve the quality of their patients’ lives. 

Green Relief is, among other things, one of the fastest growing producers of medical marijuana in Canada. They believe in health to the nth degree and will do whatever it takes to make sure their products live up to their high standards. 

Having high standards means using the best innovations and scientific technology available. As they continued to move towards their mission, they also realized they needed top notch R&D tools in order to provide consistency with the potency of their products. Safety, consistency and quality are their top markers for success. 

Green Relief’s grow rooms include multiple fish tanks near the plants they nourish.

One of the things they brought into their facility, in order to reach these goals, was the LightLab™ by Orange Photonics, something they found extremely beneficial to maintain their competitive edge.  

“The LightLab™ helps us maintain consistency and accuracy in our operations everyday and the staff is very impressed. It’s easily one of our favourite tools around here.” Shane Eby, Green Relief.