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NIST CannaQAP LightLab 3 Cannabis Analyzer Results

By Dylan Wilks, CTO

Amid the first rounds of testing in the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cannabis Quality Assurance Program (CannaQAP), Orange Photonics’ LightLab 3 Cannabis Analyzer, a portable HPLC, performed extremely well when compared to the best cannabis testing labs in the world.

NIST CannaQAP is the first interlaboratory study facilitated by the US government focusing on cannabis analysis. The goal of this ongoing study is to provide laboratories with a tool to help assess their performance when compared to other laboratories. Over 100 labs have participated in the CannaQAP to date.

CannaQAP Structure

CannaQAP participants were sent three cannabis samples with an unknown cannabinoid content.  Participants  analyzed the samples and reported their results to NIST. NIST then aggregated the data for comparison against the other participating laboratories.

LightLab Performance

Taking part in a government-run, external study like NIST’s CannaQAP, is a striking evaluation on performance for any laboratory. The results below reflect LightLab’s comparison to the consensus average of all participating laboratories for Total THC and Total CBD results.  


NIST CannaQAP LightLab results for Total THC and Total CBD

LightLab performed at a level equal to fully equipped laboratories, and in some cases performed even better. LightLab’s participation in this study highlights its capacity to test like a laboratory, despite its simplicity and affordability.

Full LightLab 3 Cannabis Analyzer Results Panel

For more information visit NIST Cannabis Quality Assurance Program.